Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sean and I just bought the house of our dreams...
With the kitchen of my dreams...

No dog pee here.

Moving date Monday!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Thaw

The snow is melting. I am crying a river...
Gone will be the days of stocking caps.
Gone will be the days of "I can't put my arms down"!
Gone will be the days of 4 foot high snow drifts.
Gone will be the days of eating snow from the doormat.
"What"?? No more snow?
Gone will be the days of bitter, bitter cold.
And gone will be the days of snowball fights.
Do you hear me crying?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Being a Boy

Being a Boy means always hamming for the camera.
Being a Boy means making bubble whiskers to look like Dad.
Being a Boy means that while you are supposed to be resting quietly in your room,
you are instead in the bathroom setting up a pig led army for an attack on who knows what.