What does every little boy want to be when they are 4?
A Superhero, that's what.
Grammy can't keep a secret, she couldn't keep Spiderman a secret for another month either.
So, when the box from my Mom arrived on the back porch the day before Braeden's birthday, we let him open one gift and I pulled the one that I knew was the costume.
For days, Braeden had disappeared and there was a mysterious spider lurking in the corners of my house.
On November 14th, we celebrated the 4th birthday of my big (little) boy. At his checkup he barely cleared 31 pounds.
His favorite things these days are Spiderman, Toy Story and Dragons.
I caught some great faces as he opened his gifts.
Great Pictures. We had a spider woman in our house for several months when Mykaylee was that age.