Wildcat Den State Park, Muscatine Iowa
First Camping Trip with the Boys
Labor Day weekend

We rolled into camp on Friday about 7pm. Just enough daylight left to set up our tent.
The first thing on Braeden's agenda, campfire!
We set a small fire even though it was about 85 degrees out.
Man it was hot.
It got to be 10pm and at some point we had to go to bed.
We took the fly off the tent so that we could get some air.
It was awesome to be able to look straight up into the clear sky and see the stars.... all night long... did I say it was HOT?
It started to lightning.
It started to thunder.
It started to rain. No wait, it started to POUR!
For hours it poured!
We all took a nap, falling asleep to the sound of rain.
We woke to the sound of drip, drip, drip...
Our sleeping bags and pillows were getting wet.
We went into the tent at 1pm,
emerged for dinner (thankful that we bought a canopy to cover the table)
and went to bed at 8pm.
That night temps dropped into the 50's and it was a great night of sleep!
We decided that instead of camping until Monday,
we would leave the next day, Sunday, at the end of the day.
It was cold in the morning, great morning for stocking caps, a campfire and marshmallow roasting.
(note: there was a picture of myself here but it kept disappearing)
We came back to camp for lunch.
The sun came out and dried up the gear so it was a perfect time to pack up.
The boys did great for their first time camping and despite all of the rain, we had a great time!
As we headed out of the park we visited an old mill and hit up a cemetery.
More on that later :)
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