We had no idea where to spend the 4th of July. It seemed like every town was having a celebration. I had seen a flyer describing the festivities in Independence. Doesn't that sound like a great place to spend the day? A few locals suggested that we head to the Mississippi River to the town of Gutenberg... so that is where we went. The park was busy with people, entertainment and food. We set up our chairs along the river so that we would be guaranteed a great spot for fireworks and grabbed some dogs for dinner. I had my first hand dipped corn dog. It was delicious.
Braeden spent a little time in the bounce house.

The parade was about to start so we grabbed a spot on the curb. This is the first parade I had ever been to where cars were parked on the parade street. The parade had to be viewed in between cars or on the corner. As Braeden would say "That's just... ummm.. weird."
And I had never been to a parade where they throw out candy and Popsicles.

No Iowa parade is complete without a tractor...
or two...
or three...
This was our view of the river as we waited for Fireworks.

Kind of hard to see in this picture but Sean caught a Firefly.
Miles was such a trooper. He was up 4 hours past bedtime and never fussed once. We grabbed the car seat from the car and he was out in five minutes. He could not hang on for the fireworks and he slept through them.... with my fingers in his ears.
As the sun set, the river's edge filled with blankets and chairs. Boats began filling the river below.. setting off their own fireworks. We bought Braeden one of those glow necklaces. He was waving it around in the dark and I snapped this photo. The lights in the background are the boats in the river.

We were about 100 meters from the launching of the fireworks. It was loud!! The show was great except for the glitch before the finale. Hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July!!
This was our view of the river as we waited for Fireworks.
We were about 100 meters from the launching of the fireworks. It was loud!! The show was great except for the glitch before the finale. Hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July!!
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