We could not wait until October to experience a little spookieness so we went looking for some today. Our first stop Effigy Mounds National Monument, Harpers Ferry Iowa. The mounds are burial sites and are considered sacred and ceremonial sites of the American Indians. We just purchased an awesome Kelty pack so that we could tote Miles around and enjoy our summer. He was thrilled and enjoyed the hike as much as we did.

We did a two mile hike that took us up switch backs for about half a mile. Braeden just about ran the entire way. He is going to be a natural runner and will make us so proud. Sean and I on the other hand. We have not had any amount of consistent exercise in, um... years.
When we arrived at the first lookout point, we had a breathtaking view of the Mississippi River.
The photo below is of a set of round mounds.
A park sign showing the different mound shapes.
This is the large bear mound. The shape is not able to be seen from ground level, but was neat none the less.
After the bear mound we started to head back to the car. Braeden was beginning to hit the wall and needed to be carried so I put him on my back. I am carrying 15 extra pounds myself then add on another 35. I was wearing sandals, not the best decision that day. Braeden was physically tired and mentally exhausted... nap time. We were headed down the switchbacks and he was really squeezing my throat. I would say "throat" and he would burst out in a hysterical laugh. A few minutes later I would say it again, and he would have the same response. This went on and in no time at all I was cracking up at him and his laughter. Picture this, steep decline, sandals, kid on my back, both of us in hysterics and a bladder that has survived two children. We did make it down safely.
On our day out today we wanted to do something a little different too. We asked Braeden if he wanted to go to a ... cue Haunted music and visualize Braeden with big eyes and hands outstretched like claws.... Spooky Cave. He was so excited and kept asking when we were going to the spooky cave. This was like no cave I had ever been in, it was a boat ride.
In the reviews read online, people talked about how low the cave was in parts that you had to fold in half to keep from being decapitated. Yup. Their review was accurate.
The temperature in the cave is a constant 47 degrees. It was a nice break to get out of the 95 degree temps and humidity outside.
This was the first cave both for Sean and Braeden. And if I have anything to say about it, it won't be the last. We survived the tour with our heads intact and were not happy when it ended.. mainly because of the walk back to the car in the heat.
And... just because we live in Iowa, I had to throw in this photo. It is a usual sight on the road. After I took the picture and looked at it on the camera, I realized how young he looked. We passed him again, going the other direction about a half an hour later. I took a look at him, and he was about 9.

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